You can set Telegram alert notification after signing in to ViaBTC account, and receive alerts on hashrate fluctuations and miners' decline through Telegram, when the hashrate alert threshold is triggered. And the alert notification can be sent to Telegram chat group, which is very convenient for monitoring mining and make timely follow-ups on any anomalies.
Turn on Telegram Notifications
On Web
1. Click @ViaBTC_Official_Bot on the page [Notifications] of [Account Management], and enter the chat window with ViaBTC_Official_Bot;
2. Click the "Start" button or send “/Chat ID” to the bot to get a Chat ID;
3. Return to the page [Notifications], enter the Chat ID, and save.
Note: A mining account can bind at most one Chat ID, and different mining accounts can bind the same Chat ID.
1. Go to the page [Me] - [Notifications] - [Account List], and choose the account that needs alert notification;
2. Click “@ViaBTC_Official_Bot” to copy, open Telegram on your mobile phone, paste and search for @ViaBTC_Official_Bot”, and enter the chat window with @ViaBTC_Official_Bot;
3. Click the “Start” button or send “/Chat ID” to the bot to get a Chat ID;
4. Return to the page [Notifications], enter the Chat ID, and save.
Add ViaBTCPoolBot in Telegram Group
Please follow these steps:
1. Add @ViaBTC_Official_Bot into a group you want to send notifications to, and send “/Chat ID” to the group to get a Chat ID;
2. Return to the page [Notifications], enter the Chat ID (keep the minus sign in front of the number) and save. All the group members can receive alert notifications.
Unbind/ Rebind
1. If you want to stop receiving Telegram alert notifications, please delete the currently bound Chat ID in the settings page to unbind Telegram account;
2. If you want to change your Telegram account that can receive notifications, please change the Chat ID in the settings page.
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