Dear ViaBTC users,
To provide you with better hosting experience, we launched “Mining Farms” on December 17, 2020 (UTC). Besides, our hosting service will be available along with this new feature.
What is ViaBTC “Mining Farms”?
ViaBTC “Mining Farms” is a service platform that provides mining farms and miners with matching of resources and miner hosting requirements. To be specific, mining farms will show their relative information and offer hosting service to miners, while miners can select the mining farms that are suitable for hosting their mining machine.
What are the advantages of “Mining Farms”?
1. Quality mining farms: All of them are featured with sufficient power supply, compliant management, professional operation team and relatively large scale.
2. Convenient hosting service: After submitting your hosting application form, our Business Director will get back to you with an optimal hosting solution.
How to submit Mining Farm Application or Hosting Application?
Go to the webpage of “Mining Farms”, click Mining Farm Application or Hosting Application and submit the corresponding application.
ViaBTC Team
December 17, 2020
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