After logging in to your account, click [Pool] in the top left corner and choose [Workers].
Check the status of the workers
1. Active workers refer to workers that are connected and submitting hashrate.
2. Offline Workers refer to workers who have no hashrate and aren't at work (20 mins to 1 day)
3. Inactive workers refer to workers who have no hashrate and aren't at work (over 1 day)
4. The “Workers” page displays all your workers by default, including active and inactive workers.
5. The pool will automatically detect the hashrate and generate miners as long as you finish setting up mining addresses, accounts, etc. on the mining machine as required.
Divide workers into groups
Choose the [Create group] and [Manage group] which are below at [My group] to manage workers.
Add a worker to the specified group
Click the [Manage Miners] of the Worker List, select workers that you want to move, then click the [Add to] icon as the figure below shows.
How can you delete inactive workers?
Click the [Manage Miners] of the Worker List, then select the inactive workers and click the [Delete] icon. You can choose [Batch delete] or [Delete all] on demand.
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